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River Cote: Similarly – Chokecherry Youth Response

Created in response to General Idea’s One Month of AZT (1991)

Artist statement: Looking at the art piece I’ve noticed none were labeled or numbered they were also placed as if they were freshly being made. With this information that I processed, I’ve decided that the song was to show that customers of a drug dealer and patients from a doctor are there for the same reason. To relieve their pain. It deals with addiction and how the system runs on a % of the drug trade as well as the prescription handled by the doctors…enjoy

Artist Bio: Dylan Rivers lives for music. He began writing lyrics at age 10, scribbling his daily problems in rhyme. Growing up in Pleasant Hill meant running into trouble, or becoming trouble. Dealing with racism and criticism at the same time was difficult for Dylan, but through the years he learned to use his creativity as a healthy outlet. With his son watching, Dylan decided to walk away from his old life and enter a new one in the lime light. Along with being a Chokecherry Youth Leader, Dylan has also participated in Rap & Rhythm, performed at Swifa and Moso Fest and most recently sat on a panel for Folk Fest.

About the project: Chokecherry Youth Response is a partnership project between Chokecherry Studios, Remai Modern and PAVED Arts. The project asked for submissions from youth-artist participants inspired by a single work in the exhibition, An apology, a pill, a ritual, a resistance. Ten emerging artists took on the challenge and got to work creating new pieces that respond to the exhibition’s multifaceted exploration of health and healing.