Accessibility View
Open today from 10AM - 9PM

Monday: Closed

Tuesday: Closed

Wednesday: 10 AM – 5 PM

Thursday: 10AM - 9PM

Friday: 10AM - 9PM

Saturday: 10AM - 5PM

Sunday: 10AM - 5PM

Self-directed group visits may take place during hours of operation. Regular admission rates apply. For hours and admission information, see Visit Us – Remai Modern  

See our website for current and upcoming exhibitions and to view the work before your visit: Exhibitions – Remai Modern

Prior to your visit, please review the following guidelines with your group (including the adults). 

  • Backpacks, food, and drink are not permitted in galleries. If a backpack is necessary, it can be carried on the side or front. 
  • There are free lockers in the atrium opposite the front desk, accessed under the stairwell. 
  • Pencils are permitted in galleries, pens are not. 
  • Self-directed groups do not have access to the studio. 
  • Maintain a safe distance from the art (minimum 1 metre). Touching art is not permitted. 
  • Because there will be other visitors, including other groups in the museum, it’s important that all members of your group be considerate and respectful by maintaining low volume and refraining from running or ‘recess’ behaviours. 
  • Please move through the museum as a whole group or in smaller groups, each with a chaperone. Students must be monitored by adults. 
  • We recommend that when groups go up and down the stairs, they stay to the right and go single file so that others can pass safely and easily. 
  • When waiting for the elevator, step back from the doors and allow those on the elevator to exit before you enter.  
  • Unless you see signage indicating otherwise, photography is permitted provided there is no flash.

Tips for self-directed visits: 

  • Having students sit on the floor to look at and discuss a piece of art can be helpful 
  • Snaking through the gallery slowly in a line is an easy way to view art in a gallery where there is a lot of art everywhere 
  • Students can try holding their hands clasped together in front of or behind them as a reminder to themselves not to touch 
  • Art that is safe for children to touch and play with is located in the Cameco Play Area on Level 2 behind the stairs 
  • The gallery lounge on Level 3 is a great spot to get a view of the river and surrounding area 
  • On days with good weather, the door to the Level 2 balcony may be open 
  • If an artwork seems difficult to understand, ask your group/participants what they think! This can be a great way to open up discussions about art. As an additional resource, see our guide to engaging with art slowly.
  • There will be Program Guides available to provide information in several gallery spaces. While they are unable to provide a tour, they are happy to answer questions about the artwork.